Sustainability is the concept of conducting business operations in a profitable manner while having no harmful impact on either the natural environment or the people within and outside the organization. With achieving sustainability on their mind, many organizations of today are moving from traditional way of business to a much greener, eco-friendly one. Although this may hold several additional initial costs to an organization, the returns that can be experienced in the long-run are bigger and better. If you are a manager who is excited about converting your organization into a green one, here are a few tips you might find useful.
Minimize the paper usage
Today it’s more convenient than ever before in history to leave behind our over-dependence on paper materials, because of the advancements in the field of electronic media. The first step would be to educate your workforce on the purpose and the importance of what you are doing. Then, do your part as a manager to minimize the wastage of paper by implementing regulatory procedure such as issuing ID cards for using printer and photocopy machines for the employees, so that you can monitor any abnormal usage of paper and take measures to reduce them.
Reduce, reuse and recycle
Reduce the usage and purchase of resources in a wasteful manner. Last thing you want as a green company is to spend time and money on acquiring resources which you do not even necessarily need. Reusing refurbished computers, laptops and other organizational resources will greatly help an organization in reducing its carbon footprint. Finally, recycling can be done by efficiently collecting the recyclable electronic, glass, plastic, paper and other such components separately. Cheap skip hire is a great method of collecting waste materials and once full, the bin providers will collect it from your company and replace it with an empty one.
Reduce plastic usage
Plastic is one the main environmental concerns that prevail in the world today because of the non-decomposing nature of the material. Research has found that the largest volume of plastic wastes are added to the environment in the form of reusable bottles. As an organization, encourage employees to switch to glass substitutes which are much greener by nature. However, plastic cannot be completely removed from any organization, therefore a mini skip hire Dandenong would be a good investment to separately collect the plastic waste which will later be sent for recycling.
Greener power
Depending on power generated from fossil fuels and other forms of non-green methods will greatly raise the carbon footprint of an organization. One of the best alternatives would be switching to a renewable form of energy such as solar power. Certain western countries are also incorporating wind power generation, which is a relatively expensive method which however is completely renewable.